The SgmlReader type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

  Name Description
Public property AttributeCount (Overrides XmlReader..::..AttributeCount.)
Public property BaseURI (Overrides XmlReader..::..BaseURI.)
Public property CanReadBinaryContent
Gets a value indicating whether the XmlReader implements the binary content read methods.
(Inherited from XmlReader.)
Public property CanReadValueChunk
Gets a value indicating whether the XmlReader implements the ReadValueChunk(array<Char>[]()[][], Int32, Int32) method.
(Inherited from XmlReader.)
Public property CanResolveEntity
Gets a value indicating whether this reader can parse and resolve entities.
(Inherited from XmlReader.)
Public property CaseFolding
Public property Depth (Overrides XmlReader..::..Depth.)
Public property DocType
The name of root element specified in the DOCTYPE tag.
Public property Dtd
Specify the SgmlDtd object directly. This allows you to cache the Dtd and share it across multipl SgmlReaders. To load a DTD from a URL use the SystemLiteral property.
Public property EOF (Overrides XmlReader..::..EOF.)
Public property ErrorLog
DTD validation errors are written to this stream.
Public property ErrorLogFile
DTD validation errors are written to this log file.
Public property HasAttributes
Gets a value indicating whether the current node has any attributes.
(Inherited from XmlReader.)
Public property HasValue (Overrides XmlReader..::..HasValue.)
Public property Href
Specify the location of the input SGML document as a URL.
Public property InputStream
The input stream containing SGML data to parse. You must specify this property or the Href property before calling Read().
Public property InternalSubset
The DTD internal subset in the DOCTYPE tag
Public property IsDefault (Overrides XmlReader..::..IsDefault.)
Public property IsEmptyElement (Overrides XmlReader..::..IsEmptyElement.)
Public property Item[([( Int32])]) (Overrides XmlReader..::..Item[([( Int32])]) .)
Public property Item[([( String])]) (Overrides XmlReader..::..Item[([( String])]) .)
Public property Item[([( String, String])]) (Overrides XmlReader..::..Item[([( String, String])]) .)
Public property LocalName (Overrides XmlReader..::..LocalName.)
Public property Name (Overrides XmlReader..::..Name.)
Public property NamespaceURI (Overrides XmlReader..::..NamespaceURI.)
Public property NameTable (Overrides XmlReader..::..NameTable.)
Public property NodeType (Overrides XmlReader..::..NodeType.)
Public property Prefix (Overrides XmlReader..::..Prefix.)
Public property PublicIdentifier
The PUBLIC identifier in the DOCTYPE tag
Public property QuoteChar (Overrides XmlReader..::..QuoteChar.)
Public property ReadState (Overrides XmlReader..::..ReadState.)
Public property SchemaInfo
Gets the schema information that has been assigned to the current node as a result of schema validation.
(Inherited from XmlReader.)
Public property Settings
Gets the XmlReaderSettings object used to create this XmlReader instance.
(Inherited from XmlReader.)
Public property StripDocType
Whether to strip out the DOCTYPE tag from the output (default true)
Public property SystemLiteral
The SYSTEM literal in the DOCTYPE tag identifying the location of the DTD.
Public property Value (Overrides XmlReader..::..Value.)
Public property ValueType
Gets The Common Language Runtime (CLR) type for the current node.
(Inherited from XmlReader.)
Public property WebProxy
Sometimes you need to specify a proxy server in order to load data via HTTP from outside the firewall. For example: "itgproxy:80".
Public property WhitespaceHandling
Public property XmlLang (Overrides XmlReader..::..XmlLang.)
Public property XmlSpace (Overrides XmlReader..::..XmlSpace.)

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