Editor creating font tags like they're going out of fashion

  •  09-02-2004, 10:02 AM

    Editor creating font tags like they're going out of fashion

    If I have a block of text and I highlight this word and set the style to be Style 2

    Then I select the same word and change the style to Style 3, nothing seems to happen.  If I look in the HTML, I have 3 font tags surrounding my word.  Shouldn't I have two or better still one?  So if I try again and change it to Style 5, what happens?
    Well now I have 7 font tags.  So the first time I had one font tag, the second time I got 3 font tags and the third time I got 7 font tags.  There's one of two patterns emerging so far, either its adding an extra 2 font tags each time and I should expect 13 font tags (7+2+2+2) or its doubling the amount of font tags and adding an extra one therefore 15 font tags (7x2 = 1).
    I'm doing this as I go along so if I look at the HTML now ... oh there's 15!!!  The last of which is still Style 2 which was of course the first one I applied.  View the source of this message if you wanna see.
    OK so obviously there's a slight bug there but also ideally I don't think you want to have font tags, you'd want one span tag and for that tag to be updated each time.  You'd also want the same thing for setting styles to A tags so that you can use the hover and visited colours in the stylesheet.
    I'll leave that with you guys :)
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