Text Wrap in editor area

  •  01-31-2005, 1:29 PM

    Text Wrap in editor area

    I noticed that when using the editor, and the initial content is not predefined as a paragraph, and adding a large amount of text in one block, the editor doesn't wrap the text, it presents the text in one line.
    Even when I use the initial predefined content it happens when returning to the editor after passing the entered data in a session.

    I already tried to use the the text overflow options in the CSS but no luck.

    However it is still workable, or when changing the paragraph style (but looses all other styling) it wraps the tecxt again to the editor area. Please help!!!
    Is there a way that the text is automatically wrapped when data is presented???
    see screens;

    1. WRAP OK - With Predefined content, inc. paragraph text (i.e. Content= "<p>Type Here</p>")

    2. WRAP NOT OK - With Predefined content, inc. paragraph text (i.e. Content= "Type Here") or when populating the editor with session containing the data (using paragraphs) previous use of  the editor; Noticed that it happens also with this one when changing paragraph style or creating a unordered list

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