problems with tables...

Last post 10-25-2005, 5:10 PM by Hlybbi. 3 replies.
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  •  10-25-2005, 10:23 AM 11985

    problems with tables...

    Hello, we have a cute editor .NET bought in feb 2005, and we are having problems with tables in it.
    When we add rows below and move text that is outside the table inside the cell and save, sometimes the table gets messed up, there does not seem to be any logic to this bug, in some cases the text has <li>, bullets,
    any ideas?
  •  10-25-2005, 11:23 AM 11993 in reply to 11985

    Re: problems with tables...

    Can you reproduce the problems in the following link?
    If not, can you upgrade to the latest version 5.0?
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
    Live Support:

  •  10-25-2005, 2:51 PM 12006 in reply to 11993

    Re: problems with tables...

    Hello Hlynur here at the same company as gulag above,
    we coult not reproduce the same error at this link above.

    i tryed to uppgrade to version 5.0 we are using version 4.0 and i got an error i thing we need a new licence key.

    Error :System.Web.HttpException: ? ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: ? File name: "CuteEditor" at System.Reflection.RuntimeFieldInfo.InternalGetFieldType() at System.Reflection.RuntimeFieldInfo.get_FieldType() at System.Web.UI.Util.GetNonPrivateFieldType(Type classType, String fieldName) at System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler.BuildFieldDeclaration(ControlBuilder builder, Boolean fGeneratedID) at System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler.BuildSourceDataTreeFromBuilder(ControlBuilder builder, Boolean fInTemplate, PropertySetterEntry pse) at System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler.BuildSourceDataTreeFromBuilder(ControlBuilder builder, Boolean fInTemplate, PropertySetterEntry pse) at System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler.BuildMiscClassMembers() at System.Web.Compilation.PageCompiler.BuildMiscClassMembers() at System.Web.Compilation.BaseCompiler.BuildSourceDataTree() at System.Web.Compilation.BaseCompiler.GetCompiledType() at System.Web.UI.PageParser.CompileIntoType() at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.GetParserCacheItemThroughCompilation() === Pre-bind state information === LOG: DisplayName = CuteEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3858aa6802b1223a (Fully-specified) LOG: Appbase = file:///xxx/xxx LOG: Initial PrivatePath = bin Calling assembly : VinnuKerfi, Version=4.0.2124.33634, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. === LOG: Publisher policy file is not found. LOG: No redirect found in host configuration file (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet.config). LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\config\machine.config. LOG: Post-policy reference: CuteEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3858aa6802b1223a LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322/Temporary ASP.NET Files/vinnukerfi/96701ce6/34d68d82/CuteEditor.DLL. LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322/Temporary ASP.NET Files/vinnukerfi/96701ce6/34d68d82/CuteEditor/CuteEditor.DLL. LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/xxxx/bin/CuteEditor.DLL. WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Major Version --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.GetParserCacheItemInternal(Boolean fCreateIfNotFound) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.GetParserCacheItemWithNewConfigPath() at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.GetParserCacheItem() at System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser.CompileAndGetParserCacheItem(String virtualPath, String inputFile, HttpContext context) at System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser.GetCompiledInstance(String virtualPath, String inputFile, HttpContext context) at System.Web.UI.PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstanceInternal(String virtualPath, String inputFile, HttpContext context) at System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory.GetHandler(HttpContext context, String requestType, String url, String path) at System.Web.HttpApplication.MapHttpHandler(HttpContext context, String requestType, String path, String pathTranslated, Boolean useAppConfig) at System.Web.MapHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication+IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

  •  10-25-2005, 5:10 PM 12007 in reply to 12006

    Re: problems with tables...

    ohh sorry i forgote to reset the dlls was still calling the old CuteEditor.dll
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