Is source control breaking Cute Chat?

Last post 12-02-2005, 7:40 PM by jptomlinson. 0 replies.
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  •  12-02-2005, 7:40 PM 13337

    Is source control breaking Cute Chat?

    Let me just say from the get-go, Im using an evaluation copy of Cute Chat and I am thinking this may be the cause of my problems. If it is, you probably wont have to read too far.

    I am integrating Cute Chat with Community Server and storing all of the application code in Microsoft Visual Source Safe. The problem is that my code goes into VSS in working order but when it comes back out Cute Chat disappears. Now I dont mean that my code disappears, because the code is still there, but all Cute functionality disappears from the Community Server interface. I noticed this when I tried a clean setup of my VS.NET solution on a second machine.
    The first thing to cross my mind is that I must have missed adding some file or another into source control. So I started from scratch and re-added Community Server and Cute into my solution. Voila! It works on my machine. I immediately check the code back into source contol. I wanted to find out if this was an issue with licencing, so I removed the .lic files from the bin folder. Well, this returns the expected response of the application telling me I dont have a valid licence. The next step I undo my removal of the .lic files and and try setting it up again on machine number 2. Again, all other fucntionality in my solution is fine, except for that fact that Cute just does not show up in the Community Server interface.

    Ok, so now I figure I have a valid codebase in source control, the licence files dont seem to be the issue, maybe the app works based off of a machine ID of some sort. I test the app on machine 1 again and verything seems to be working fine. I then delete the solution from my machine, and reload the codebase from Visual Source Safe. Cute Chat has again disappeared.

    Is this the byproduct of having an evaluation copy of the software? Or is VSS doing something to the Cute Chat code? One other point of interest is that Cute was originally having problems parsing .scc files that were being added by Source Safe ( Now it does not even evoke that error. It seems as though the Cute Chat object is not being created.  I like the product, but Im a bit frustrated with the integration process. If anyone has a solution, it would be much appreciated as I am in a time crunch.

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