different use of cute editor for .net

Last post 12-09-2005, 8:33 AM by stuartwachsberg. 2 replies.
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  •  12-08-2005, 3:43 PM 13606

    different use of cute editor for .net

    Our company has a asp.net CRM application which uses templates to create letters and e-mails to customers.  It inserts data from a database into the template to create personalised letters and e-mails
    Currently we are using MS word for the templates, letters and e-mails
    It causes so many support problems and is very slow

    I am non technical, but decided to look around for a better solution.  MY initial testing of the demo version of cute editor suggests that it can provide letters of the same quality and e-mails of a better quality than MS Word
    Is any one else using cute editor to create letters and e-mails.  Is cute editor able to do something similar to mail merge
    all answers would be welcome
  •  12-08-2005, 8:25 PM 13613 in reply to 13606

    Re: different use of cute editor for .net

    I am a new comer to this forum and is interested in Cute editor too.
    I understand your needs and know it must have a better solution for your problem.
    May you get the appropriate answer early.
    Sincerely, Sunny@China.
  •  12-09-2005, 8:33 AM 13627 in reply to 13613

    Re: different use of cute editor for .net

    your idea is precicely the type of thing, imho, that html editors are for. if u need any advice on integration, just ask.

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