
Last post 12-29-2005, 2:49 PM by rhein. 2 replies.
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  •  12-29-2005, 1:36 PM 14215


     In trying to get the the upload portion of the editor working I've run accross a problem.
    On line 15 of browse_Img.asp there is the following line:
    If InStr(Lcase(ImageGalleryPath),Lcase(trim(Session("ImageGalleryPath")))) <= 0 or Session("ImageGalleryPath") ="" then 

    This code is the logic that dictates weather or not to display the message : The area you are attempting to access is forbidden

    In looking at this: the problem appears that the Session("ImageGalleryPath") = "" In other words, the right side of the or clause is true, however, the left side is false. - the InStr returns 1.

    So, I commented out that section to see what would happen, and everything is working correctly, I can upload images and see them in the folder. However, instead of hacking up the CuteEditor code, I'd rather fix the Session problem. 

    Any ideas?


  •  12-29-2005, 1:44 PM 14216 in reply to 14215

    Re: Session("ImageGalleryPath")

    Turns out you can't have the application configured on the Cute_EditorFiles dir in IIS.

    Once I removed the application, then it worked.
  •  12-29-2005, 2:49 PM 14217 in reply to 14216

    Re: Session("ImageGalleryPath")

    One more follow up - turning off the applicaiton fixes this problem, but breaks the spell checker....
    Just out of curiosity: Why are you looking at the Session("ImageGalleryPath") instead of just looking to see if the ImageGalleryPath it self is the empty string? Is there some reason that I'm not seeing?

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