I have got a big problem with the special character Apostroph (') in CuteEditor Version 4.x
When I insert an ' then I got an error message...
That's how i configurated the editor (DisableAutoFormatting = true must stay):
Dim RadioList_Value
RadioList_Value = "en-en"
editor.DisableAutoFormatting = true
editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
editor.ImageGalleryPath = "../newsletter/"
editor.MaxImageSize = 200
editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "css88591.css"
editor.Culture = RadioList_Value
editor.ShowPreviewMode = false
editor.ShowNormalMode = false
editor.Width = 780
editor.Height = 890
is there any solution for my problem ? tonight the tool i'am programming should be up... an this is the last problem before it can go online... any solutions ? please help me