Issues with controlling the ContextMenu - last time

Last post 04-22-2006, 12:40 AM by Ahem. 3 replies.
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  •  04-19-2006, 10:54 AM 18337

    Issues with controlling the ContextMenu - last time

    I've upgraded to v5.0 and I'm having difficulty "controlling" the Context Menu along with the AllowPasteHTML option.
    My goal is to disable the context menu entirely and force users to use the toolbar.  Along the way this means I want to disable the use of CTRL-V (unless I can have CTRL-V only act as PastePlainText).  Ultimately I want to use Two of the paste items - standard Paste and Paste As Plain Text.  I'd like the standard Paste to bring along HTML formatting - and the Paste As Plain text to bring along no HTML formatting.
    When I set the contextmenu values in my "simple.config" file to "False" the context menu still pops right up. 
    If I set EditorOnPaste="Disabled" then all Paste functionality disappears including the toolbar ability.
    I've done by best to research this via the forums and the developers user guide but just can't get it working.
    Please assist.
  •  04-19-2006, 12:39 PM 18351 in reply to 18337

    Re: Issues with controlling the ContextMenu - last time

    Please try the following setting:
    <CE:Editor id="Editor1" EnableContextMenu="false" EnableBrowserContextMenu="false" runat="server"></CE:Editor>
    Keep me posted
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  •  04-19-2006, 7:37 PM 18361 in reply to 18351

    Re: Issues with controlling the ContextMenu - last time

    That definitely stopped the ContextMenu from appearing - Thanks.
    I'm still able to use CTRL-V to paste - what's the simple fix for that?
    Also - when I set EditorOnPaste=PlainText it stops me from using the standard paste option to bring in HTML formatting.  In fact when I use the PasteWord toolbar item it just Pastes in standard text so the EditorOnPaste seems to override all paste options in the toolbar.  I do have the AllowPasteHTML=True
    Again - my goal is to:
    1.  Eliminate CTRL-V OR have CTRL-V paste plain text only
    2.  I want to have two Paste Options in the toolbar - Standard Paste to allow people to paste in "correctly" formatted text / Paste as Plain text to bring in totally clean/unformatted text.
    I've almost got it perfect now if I can resolve these last two items.
  •  04-22-2006, 12:40 AM 18430 in reply to 18361

    Re: Issues with controlling the ContextMenu - last time

    Hello - I would take suggestions from anyone regarding my last post. 
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