A request to ask CuteEditor to do the _wrong thing_.

Last post 06-01-2006, 3:38 PM by obiwantcp. 0 replies.
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  •  06-01-2006, 3:38 PM 19736

    A request to ask CuteEditor to do the _wrong thing_.

    As proper, Word 2003 pastings take paragraph breaks and turn them into proper P tags. That is FANTASTIC and great work on Cute Editor part, and it renders beautifully in IE. But we also use Cute Editor to generate email templates, and when the source of the copy comes from Word 2003 as a Word Paste, Outlook 2003 screws it up. It shows emails templates pasted as such with three blank lines per P tag. Is there a toggle we can use to translate the P tag into a DIV nbsp DIV?
    Some other ideas I have include: 
    * adding a CSS reference to the email body and shrink the P tag that way.
    * in-line add a CSS class into each P tag and then inline a CSS block at the head to tell it to shrink P to one line.
    Neither have any a snowball's chance in hell of working in the email reader world because generally they have limited CSS support (actually I haven't tested, strickly rumors).
    Any suggestions on ways of solving this properly would be appreciated.
    Best regards,
    -- David
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