First: Yes - the integration guide could use a LOT of work. I'd be happy to put something together based in my experience using Visual Studio.NET 2003. I'll send somehting up next week (as time permits).
Second: No, I did not modify the file. Here's the code...
<%@ Page ValidateRequest="false" %>
<script runat="server">
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs args)
string postedhtml;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs args)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<HEAD runat=server>
<TITLE>Chat Log
<base href='<%=Request.Url.ToString().Substring(0,Request.Url.ToString().LastIndexOf("/"))%>' />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='<%=ResolveUrl("style.css")%>' />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='<%=ResolveUrl("im_style.css")%>' />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='<%=ResolveUrl("Skins/Normal/style.css")%>' />
<div id="chat_messagelist" style="padding:8px">
<form id="form1" method=post action="<%=Request.RawUrl%>">
<input name="input1" type="hidden">
//TODO: localization
alert("To save the messages , please click the menu 'File' - 'Save Page As'");
<div id="chat_messagelist" style="padding:8px">
Finally, my site is done in VB - I added the CuteSoft_Client folder to the project and said "no" when it wanted to create a codebehind file for all of the pages.