Font attributes with multiple editor windows

Last post 03-30-2007, 8:18 AM by MaximumK. 0 replies.
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  •  03-30-2007, 8:18 AM 27894

    Font attributes with multiple editor windows

    Hello again,

         I have 4 instances of the cute editor window on my test page.  However the font type (Times New Roman, Arial, etc..) and font size attributes cannot be applied to text in any of the editor windows.  I can select a font type and font size, but when I type the attributes are not applied.  Below is the code I use to create each of the editor windows.  I should note that all the other functions (bulleted lists, numbered lists, bold, italic, alignment, etc..) work without any problem.   This occurs in Firefox and IE.  I tried removing all editor windows except one to see if that was the problem, but the font attributes still did not work even then.  Thanks in advance for the help

    <%test_editor_1.ID = "Editor1"
    test_editor_1.Text = strTestField1
    test_editor_1.FilesPath = "/beta/CuteEditor_Files"
    test_editor_1.ConfigurationPath = "/beta/CuteEditor_Files/Configuration/Beta_Custom.config"
    test_editor_1.ShowBottomBar = False
    test_editor_1.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
    test_editor_1.ImageGalleryPath = "/beta/images/temp"    
    test_editor_1.Width = 625
    test_editor_1.Height = 400

    <%test_editor_2.ID = "Editor2"
    test_editor_2.subsequent = True
    test_editor_2.Text = strTestField2
    test_editor_2.FilesPath = "/beta/CuteEditor_Files"
    test_editor_2.ConfigurationPath = "/beta/CuteEditor_Files/Configuration/Beta_Custom.config"
    test_editor_2.ShowBottomBar = False
    test_editor_2.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
    test_editor_2.ImageGalleryPath = "/beta/images/temp"    
    test_editor_2.Width = 625
    test_editor_2.Height = 400

    <%test_editor_3.ID = "Editor3"
    test_editor_3.subsequent = True
    test_editor_3.Text = strTestField3
    test_editor_3.FilesPath = "/beta/CuteEditor_Files"
    test_editor_3.ConfigurationPath = "/beta/CuteEditor_Files/Configuration/Beta_Custom.config"
    test_editor_3.ShowBottomBar = False
    test_editor_3.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
    test_editor_3.ImageGalleryPath = "/beta/images/temp"    
    test_editor_3.Width = 625
    test_editor_3.Height = 400

    <%test_editor_4.ID = "Editor4"
    test_editor_4.subsequent = True
    test_editor_4.Text = strTestField4
    test_editor_4.FilesPath = "/beta/CuteEditor_Files"
    test_editor_4.ConfigurationPath = "/beta/CuteEditor_Files/Configuration/Beta_Custom.config"
    test_editor_4.ShowBottomBar = False
    test_editor_4.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
    test_editor_4.ImageGalleryPath = "/beta/images/temp"    
    test_editor_4.Width = 625
    test_editor_4.Height = 400

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