Folder Structure (CuteSoft_Client in parent application)

Last post 06-14-2006, 2:31 PM by tvreelan. 2 replies.
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  •  06-13-2006, 7:42 AM 20060

    Folder Structure (CuteSoft_Client in parent application)

    Is it possible to have the CuteSoft_Client folder at the root of a website (which is a 2.0 web app) and be referenced by web apps further down the folder structure (both 1.1 and 2.0)?  I tried it once and received a SecurityPolicyFile error when attempting to load the downstream application. 
    In this example, I want the editor client files to be at the 'BusinessDesk' level.  I am trying to load the CopyManager app.  I've enclosed the aspx editor tag for reference.

    <CE:Editor id="Editor1" Width="350" runat="server" EditorWysiwygModeCss="/BusinessDesk/css/Editor.css" FilesPath="/BusinessDesk/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/" SecurityPolicyFile="/BusinessDesk/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Security/default.config" ThemeType="OfficeXP" EnableContextMenu="False" ConfigurationPath="/BusinessDesk/Config/ToolsEditor.config" />

  •  06-13-2006, 2:57 PM 20092 in reply to 20060

    Re: Folder Structure (CuteSoft_Client in parent application)

    Try the following setting:
    <CE:Editor id="Editor1" Width="350" runat="server" EditorWysiwygModeCss="/BusinessDesk/css/Editor.css" FilesPath="/BusinessDesk/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/" SecurityPolicyFile="/BusinessDesk/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Security/default.config" ThemeType="OfficeXP" EnableContextMenu="False" ConfigurationPath="/BusinessDesk/Config/ToolsEditor.config" />
    Keep me posted
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  •  06-14-2006, 2:31 PM 20147 in reply to 20092

    Re: Folder Structure (CuteSoft_Client in parent application)

    Tried it and that didn't work. 
    I did get it to work by creating a vdir named 'CuteSoft_Client' at the child folder level (with the physical path pointing to /BusinessDesk/CuteSoft_Client) and that worked (did not need to set the FilesPath or the SecurityPolicyFile path either).
    Thanks for following up anyway though.
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