Some problems and a few requests

Last post 01-13-2004, 12:48 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  01-13-2004, 5:18 AM 195

    Some problems and a few requests



    First of all, this is a great control.

    And when everything works as planed, this will be a core control in my app.

    Therefore it is essential for me that this control is at is peak.

    Some minor problem;

    • In develop stage, the license make a problem, and I have to manipulate the system date, for it to work. This is annoying.
      I don’t know if this is possible, but what if you make “http://localhost/” an exception from the license rules.
    • 2.1 version won’t work at all.
      “The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is a unknown word starting at index 6.” As mention in another tread in this forum.
    • Can’t get the culture to work.  (Norwegian IE)
      Works on CuteSoft homepage, but not local???



    • A possibility to manipulate the filename in “thumbnail generator” and “downloadable files”
      In one of my current applications there is thousands of images, all renamed to a GUID number. Then there cannot be any filename conflict.
      Add a description to the files, if possible.
    • Access to the “thumbnail generator”, and “downloadable files” outside CE
      To ensure a common interface.


  •  01-13-2004, 12:48 PM 198 in reply to 195

    Re: Some problems and a few requests



    Thanks for the nice commments. We are trying to build a most powerful and easy to use content editor for .NET and ASP developer. We listen all the client feedbacks and we will keep on improving this product.



    In develop stage, the license make a problem, and I have to manipulate the system date, for it to work. This is annoying.
    I don’t know if this is possible, but what if you make “http://localhost/” an exception from the license rules.




    Have you received license file from us?  If so, you don't need to manipulate the system date for it to work. All the license files will allow you use it on localhost. If you did received the license file,  please send to us a email. Tell me the the domain name or server IP address.




    2.1 version won’t work at all.
    “The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is a unknown word starting at index 6.” As mention in another tread in this forum.

    Can’t get the culture to work.  (Norwegian IE)
    Works on CuteSoft homepage, but not local???




    We are using 2.1 version right now.  Can you download the software and try again? Please note that before intall any new version of CuteEditor for .NET,  please delete all the old files in the CuteEditor_files folder. Let the control extract all the needed files again. Keep me post



    Feature request:


    A possibility to manipulate the filename in “thumbnail generator” and “downloadable files”
    In one of my current applications there is thousands of images, all renamed to a GUID number. Then there cannot be any filename conflict.
    Add a description to the files, if possible.




    Yes, when we discussed the Image Processing before we release 2.1.Chris also mentioned about this:


    That make sense. We've put  it on our feature request list. 


    Feature request:


    Access to the “thumbnail generator”, and “downloadable files” outside CE
    To ensure a common interface.




    There are two major projects on the way.


    First is dotnetgallery, an  image gallery application, which similar to “thumbnail generator”.

    Seocnd is dotnetfilemanager, a .NET file manager application.


    We plan to release both of them before June, 2004.

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