issues while reading input value from request object

Last post 07-13-2006, 12:24 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  07-13-2006, 12:17 PM 20966

    issues while reading input value from request object

    I get garbled text while reading input from the request object - I need to read the input from the request object for a purpose.

    I dynamically create the cute editor on Page 1, I make changes to the text in Page 1  and then I move on to Page 2, Between Page 1 and Page 2 I store the input in a session object (by reading the value from the request object).

    When I navigate back to Page 1 , the text is encoded, how can I fix this.

    oCuteEditor.ID = "RichTextBox";
    oCuteEditor.Text = Session["RichTextBox"];
    oCuteEditor.Enabled = true;

    I read the input from request object this way:
    Session["RichTextBox"] = this.Request["DDD:RichTextBox"]

    Here is a sample of text that I get when I navigate back -

    #1p cla#7#7=M#7#5N#5rmal #7tyl#9="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"#2#1#7pan #7tyl#9="F#6NT-#8IZ#a: 10pt; C#6L#6R: black; F#6NT-FAMILY: Arial"#2{Curr#9ntDat#9}#1/#7pan#2#1/p#2
    #1p cla#7#7=M#7#5N#5rmal #7tyl#9="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"#2#1#7pan #7tyl#9="F#6NT-#8IZ#a: 10pt; C#6L#6R: black; F#6NT-FAMILY: Arial"#2#1/#7pan#2#3nb#7p;#1/p#2
    #1p cla#7#7=M#7#5N#5rmal #7tyl#9="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"#2#1#7pan #7tyl#


  •  07-13-2006, 12:24 PM 20967 in reply to 20966

    Re: issues while reading input value from request object

    Editor.EncodeHiddenValue Property

    By default Cute Editor will encode the value in the Hidden field automatically. You can turn it off by setting this property to "false". If this property is set to false, ValidateRequest="false" in the page directive is required.
    CuteEditor autmatically encode/decode the hidden value. If you get the content by this.Request["DDD:RichTextBox"], please set Editor.EncodeHiddenValue Property to false. Chat
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