Strange behavior.

Last post 11-04-2004, 10:12 AM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  11-03-2004, 7:24 PM 2305

    Strange behavior.

    Strange behavior. After I install cutechat, I create a few chat rooms and a few users
    That all works fine. Then I go away for a few hours and when I’m back, I try to logon. There is no error and the userID and password is correct. I test it with a wrong password and then I do get a error message.
    Anyway, whatever I do, I only get the message”you are not logged on”.
    When I logon as admin, there is no  manage link anymore.
    To be sure of this behavior, I removed the cutechat and completely reinstall all. I removed the source and the database. Then I install again. No change. I can logon with admin but that all there is. The logon screen is the only thing I can see
    Any idea what goes wrong?
  •  11-04-2004, 10:12 AM 2308 in reply to 2305

    Re: Strange behavior.


        I don't know what happen too .
        about the admin account , could you have a check the web.config :
        <add key="AdminLoginName" value="admin" />
        Is the login name same as the setting of web.config ?
    Regards , Terry .
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