Any Dreamweaver Users Out There?

Last post 11-03-2004, 12:46 PM by Aluminum. 3 replies.
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  •  10-17-2004, 5:05 PM 2109

    Any Dreamweaver Users Out There?

    Howdy Folks,

    I am currently using Dreamweaver MX 2004 to develop an application that utilizes Cute Editor .NET. 
    I'm having some problems installing it on my pages, and was wondering if any developers out there know of any resources that could assist me with my troubles.  I've tried looking everywhere but there seems to be very little documentation.
    Your help is greatly appreciated!
  •  10-18-2004, 4:36 PM 2121 in reply to 2109

    Re: Any Dreamweaver Users Out There?

    Not a direct help, but, for the record, I've given up on DW for developing .net apps. is really needed. These days I do most of my front-end stuff in DW and then the back-end .net stuff in

  •  10-28-2004, 1:05 PM 2237 in reply to 2121

    Re: Any Dreamweaver Users Out There?

    thanks.  i agree.  at this point i'm doing just to prove to myself that it can be done.  hopefully macromedia will address the issue in the next release.  it's great for so many other things.  but yeah, for .net it's brutal.
  •  11-03-2004, 12:46 PM 2302 in reply to 2237

    Re: Any Dreamweaver Users Out There?

    I bitch about Macromedia a lot...there's a lot of things they could improve in all their products. That said, I'm not sure if .net integration is one of them. MS has made .net fairly dependant on and I don't really see much of a chance of Macromeida competing directly with MS on that front.
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