Which Version

Last post 01-19-2007, 4:48 AM by thecoose. 2 replies.
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  •  01-18-2007, 5:38 AM 25905

    Which Version

    Hi There,

    I have a couple of questions for you please:

    1) How can I tell which version of cuteeditor.net I am using.

    2) If I use the back browser when editing text in cuteeditor then I am getting a blank screen, how do I stop this?

    3) The 'Select a named anchor in the current page' option does not seem to work with the links option.  It does not even seem to work on this cuteeditor on your new post page.  Please confirm if this option should work and if I am doing something wrong.

    Thanks in advance for your help,
  •  01-18-2007, 10:12 AM 25911 in reply to 25905

    Re: Which Version

    >>1) How can I tell which version of cuteeditor.net I am using.
    Put the mouse cursor over the CuteEditor.dll and read the description.
    >>If I use the back browser when editing text in cuteeditor then I am getting a blank screen, how do I stop this?
    For downlevel browser, you should get a regulat textarea.
    >> named anchor
    It works. Please try create a named anchor first. For example:
    <a id=anchor1 name=anchor1></a>

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  •  01-19-2007, 4:48 AM 25939 in reply to 25911

    Re: Which Version

    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your response.  That's very helpful.

    1. Great.  I'm using 5.3.

    2. I'll look into this.

    3. Page Anchors: This one has got me a bit confused. 

    If I enter the code you gave ( <a id=anchor1 name=anchor1></a> ) then you're right - when i go to create a link and tick the box to use named page then this anchor will come up.  However this code does not display the little flag box in the Normal view in cuteditor.

    However If I use the 'Insert Anchor' box in cuteeditor then the code it seems to insert is: <a name="'test5'" id="'test5'"></a> which includes single and double quotes.  This code does not seem to show up in 'use named anchor'.  This code does display the little flag box in the normal view.

    All this can be duplicated at http://cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx

    I look forward to hearing back from you.


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