Questions about functionality

Last post 11-30-2004, 10:47 PM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  11-30-2004, 10:25 PM 2723

    Questions about functionality

    I have a few questions:
    1. How much control do I have over where images are uploaded to (can I control the path, ie have images uploaded to a different machine?
    2. Can I control the limits on how large an image can be (dimensionally as well as file size)?

    I would appreciate it if someone could go into as much detail as possible (I'm a developer) -

    Thanks for your help.

  •  11-30-2004, 10:35 PM 2726 in reply to 2723

    Re: Questions about functionality


    How much control do I have over where images are uploaded to (can I control the path)
    You can find all the properties which control the image upload in the file below:

    CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Security/Default.config or Admin.config.

    Here is an example for admin:

    <security name="RestrictUploadedImageDimension">false</security>
     <security name="AutoResizeUploadedImages">false</security>
     <security name="MaxImageWidth">6400</security>
     <security name="MaxImageHeight">4800</security>
     <security name="MaxImageSize">10000</security>
     <security name="MaxMediaSize">10000</security>
     <security name="MaxFlashSize">1000</security>
     <security name="MaxDocumentSize">10000</security>
     <security name="ImageGalleryPath">~/uploads</security>
     <security name="MediaGalleryPath">~/uploads</security>
     <security name="FlashGalleryPath">~/uploads</security>
     <security name="FilesGallaryPath">~/uploads</security>
     <security name="ThumbnailWidth">80</security>
     <security name="ThumbnailHeight">80</security>
     <security name="ThumbnailColumns">5</security>
     <security name="ThumbnailRows">3</security>
     <security name="AllowUpload">true</security>
     <security name="AllowDelete">true</security>
     <security name="AllowCopy">true</security>
     <security name="AllowMove">true</security><!-- this is rename too -->
     <security name="AllowCreateFolder">true</security>
     <security name="AllowDeleteFolder">true</security>
     <security name="ImageFilters">

    ie have images uploaded to a different machine?
    It's possible if you work on the intranet environment. If you are interested, I will show you the details tomorrow.

    Can I control the limits on how large an image can be (dimensionally as well as file size)?

    Yes, check above answer.

  •  11-30-2004, 10:43 PM 2727 in reply to 2726

    Re: Questions about functionality

    Thanks for the quick reply - yes, I'm very much interested in allowing the uploaded files to be saved to a different machine - let me know how this would be done when you get a chance.


  •  11-30-2004, 10:47 PM 2729 in reply to 2727

    Re: Questions about functionality


    I found the article we wrote for other clients.

    Please follow the below instructions:

    Step 1: Create a domain account which has the write permission to your UNC share

            Username: yourdomain/admin


    To access resources on a UNC, your application must run under a domain enabled primary secuirty token, the easiest way to do this is to use impersonation in your web config:






    where the user name is a domain account with permission to the resouce. all users of

    your web site will have the same access permissions to the network resource.

    Step 2: create a virtual directory on your Web server and point it to your UNC share folder.

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