Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

Last post 04-24-2007, 6:55 AM by fabert. 7 replies.
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  •  04-19-2007, 5:05 AM 28595

    Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

    Hi @all,
    I have successfully created my own css-styles in the css-class dropdownlist by editing the default.css of the CuteEditor and the default.css of Dotnetnuke.
    Now I want to customize the dropdownlist "FormatBlock, FontName and FontSize". In the help is described, that I have to do the customization in the common.config file.
    I don´t know why I have every entrie double in the list ??? (As shown in the screenshot)
    If I delete entries from the common.config, only one entrie of every thing is in the list.
    But where are the other settings defined ???? Is there another file which I have to modifie ????
    I need more information about the customization in DOTNETNUKE ?  
    Thanks for help !!!!!!!
  •  04-19-2007, 12:08 PM 28616 in reply to 28595

    Re: Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

    You may have duplicate entries in the common.config file.
    Please open common.config  file and remove FormatBlock, FontName and FontSize. Then add it back.
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  •  04-20-2007, 12:58 AM 28640 in reply to 28616

    Re: Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

    there are no duplicate entries in the common.config file for FormatBlock, FontName and FontSize.
    After removing the FormatBlock, FontName and FontSize entries from the common.config, there are no double entries in the dropdownlist. But why are entries in the dropdownlist, after I remove the entries in the common.config file ??? And where could I customize these entries ?
    I need your assistance !
    Attached you see my current config file ( AFTER REMOVING THE ENTRIES for FormatBlock, FontName and FontSize ).
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        <ref name="Undo" />
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        <ref name="PasteText" />
        <ref name="PasteWord" />
        <spliter />
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        <ref name="FromFullPage" />
        <ref name="ToFullPage" />
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        <ref name="Bold" />
        <ref name="Italic" />
        <ref name="Underline" />
        <ref name="StrikeThrough" />
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        <ref name="ImageGalleryByBrowsing" />
        <ref name="InsertImage" />
        <ref name="InsertFlash" />
        <ref name="InsertMedia" />
        <ref name="InsertDocument" />
        <ref name="InsertTemplate" />
        <spliter />
        <ref name="InsertTable" />
        <ref name="InsertHorizontalRule" />
        <spliter />
        <ref name="InsertAdvancedGroup"/>
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        <ref name="InsertLineBreak" />
        <ref name="InsertOrderedList" />
        <ref name="InsertUnorderedList" />
        <ref name="InsertFieldSet" />
        <ref name="InsertGridLayoutPanel" />
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        <ref name="InsertForm" />
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        <ref name="InsertTextBox" />
        <ref name="InsertRadioBox" />
        <ref name="InsertCheckBox" />
        <ref name="InsertListBox" />
        <ref name="InsertDropDown" />
        <ref name="InsertInputImage" />
        <ref name="InsertInputSubmit" />
        <ref name="InsertInputReset" />
        <ref name="InsertInputReset" />
        <ref name="InsertInputHidden" />
        <ref name="InsertInputButton" />
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        <ref name="InsertTable" />
        <ref name="InsertRowTop" />
        <ref name="InsertRowBottom" />
        <ref name="DeleteRow" />
        <ref name="InsertColumnLeft" />
        <ref name="InsertColumnRight" />
        <ref name="DeleteColumn" />
        <ref name="InsertCell" />
        <ref name="DeleteCell" />
        <ref name="EditRow" />
        <ref name="EditCell" />
        <ref name="MergeRight" />
        <ref name="MergeBottom" />
        <ref name="HorSplitCell" />
        <ref name="VerSplitCell" />
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        <ref name="PasteText" />
        <ref name="PasteWord" />
        <ref name="PasteAsHTML" />
  •  04-23-2007, 2:09 AM 28675 in reply to 28640

    Re: Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

    No ideas ?
  •  04-23-2007, 10:52 AM 28690 in reply to 28675

    Re: Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

    If your site online?
    If so, can you setup FTP access to your site and send it to me?
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
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  •  04-24-2007, 12:47 AM 28742 in reply to 28690

    Re: Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

    the site is not online yet! We are testing which editor is the best for us. I need a solution before we buy Cute Editor. 
    I repeat it again:
    I´ve got NO entries in the common.config file for FormatBlock, FontName and FontSize. I don´t know where the entries are defined ? In a css file ???
    Is there a help-file especially for Dotnetnuke? 
  •  04-24-2007, 1:25 AM 28743 in reply to 28742

    Re: Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

    >>for FormatBlock, FontName and FontSize
    They are defined in common.config file.

    >>Is there a help-file especially for Dotnetnuke? 
    No. After you install cuteEditor for DNN, the developer's guide also works for Dotnetnuke.
    Here is my suggestion:
    1. Remove CuteEditor.dll and client files from your projects
    2. Download the latest build from:
    3. Do the installation again.
    Keep me posted
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
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  •  04-24-2007, 6:55 AM 28753 in reply to 28743

    Re: Customization Toolbar Dotnetnuke???

    thanks for help. It work´s after new installation !
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