New Safari 3.0 browser (Mac and PC)

Last post 06-12-2007, 5:57 AM by Anonymous. 4 replies.
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  •  06-11-2007, 4:33 PM 30598

    New Safari 3.0 browser (Mac and PC)

    So if you haven't heard, Apple is now shipping the Safari browser for PC's as well. Problem is that like Safari 2.0, Cute editor sucks. While this may have been a minor issue to CuteSoft since Mac's are a minority of the market, we will now have PC users using Safari as well. With Safari 3.0 for the PC, you cannot change the font size, type, color, highlight. You can cut and copy, but not paste. The CSS is messed up on the paste button also. There may be other issues. These are just the ones I saw in 30 seconds of testing. Adam, before you ask me to go check out your current example, I already did.
    I have emailed Adam about some of these issues with Safari 2.0 and have not gotten a response. So my question is this: When is CuteSoft going to take Safari seriously and try and fix it?
    If you are having trouble getting it to work with 1.3 or below, too bad for them. Only support 2.0 and above. I'm tired of seeing posts in here about how tough it is to support Safari 1.3. Just get 2.0 and 3.0 to work. PLEASE. We need this support ASAP not only for our Mac users, but now also for the PC users as well. Thanks
  •  06-11-2007, 4:43 PM 30599 in reply to 30598

    Re: New Safari 3.0 browser (Mac and PC)

    CuteEditor will support Safari 3.0 beta soon. We always take Safari seriously and make sure it's the #1 online HTMl Editor for Safari no matter how difficult it is.
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  •  06-11-2007, 5:31 PM 30601 in reply to 30599

    Re: New Safari 3.0 browser (Mac and PC)

    Adam, I always appreciate yor help in here, but you have to admit Safari support has not been a priority and this editor still has many many many issues with Safari. A little concentrated testing on Safari 2.0 would show you what I mean. Last I spoke to you online, you promised a CSS fix today (Monday) to fix the screwed up toolbars, but I'm not seeing a new download available. I tried the one up there now (from the 8th) and Safari looks as bad a it ever has or maybe worse.
  •  06-12-2007, 4:10 AM 30613 in reply to 30601

    Re: New Safari 3.0 browser (Mac and PC)

    Please try the following example:

    This example also supports Safari 3.0 beta.
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  •  06-12-2007, 5:57 AM 30622 in reply to 30601

    Re: New Safari 3.0 browser (Mac and PC)

    Hi Briodo,
    I too am looking for better Safari support because most of my users are Mac based. I keep telling them to use FireFox, but as Safari comes shipped with a Mac it's difficult to convince them.
    I don't know if you have tried developing JavaScript components which are cross browser compatible (I have). Unfortunatly sometimes you come up against a brick wall, what is possible in IE and FireFox is just not possible in Safari.
    I think in general the Safari support provided by CuteSoft is pretty good, and certainly much better than most of the other editors on the market. There clearly is room for improvement, however I'd preffer to see a more stable 6.0 release then new features for Safari.
    Many Thanks,
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