I'm sure this been covered before, but I cannot find an answer.
I'm running Cute Chat in Embed mode in DotNetNuke.
I have followed a snippet of code from the forums which enables the channel list on the control.
However the code breaks out of the current embed mode to full screen mode
i.e. it takes me to:
I kinda need the dropdown to keep me in embed mode with the channel changed.
I assume I need to add somthing in the following method ( but what? )
<Method Modifiers="protected" Name="OnSelectChange">
var element=this.GetElement();
var select=Html_FindChildById(element,"select_lobbylist");
var option=select.options[select.selectedIndex];
var val=option.value;
if( parseInt(val) && parseInt(val)!=GetChannel().LocationId)
look forward to your repy. Bottom line is I ant to change channels in Embed mode ( without breaking out of embed mode )