Set default root for images

Last post 10-03-2008, 2:39 PM by adasmann. 3 replies.
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  •  10-01-2008, 4:39 PM 44494

    Set default root for images

    I have a website internal to our company.  There's a cutesoft editor inside this site.  I've set up a virtual directory pointing to a folder under a different public site.  Uploading images to this folder works correctly.  However, when I try to pull an image from the gallery into the cutesoft editor, I'd like the URL to be the external URL.  This is because I'll be emailing the HTML content entered into the editor to external folks.  They'll need the public URL.  Is there any way to set a default URL root to be appended to all images?  I'd like to avoid requiring my users to manually edit the image properties.
  •  10-01-2008, 11:14 PM 44500 in reply to 44494

    Re: Set default root for images

    Yes, you need to set the following property to "Absolute".

    Editor.URLType Property

    Specifies whether the URL should be converted to a site root relative path (/html/images/image1.gif) or an absolute path (

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  •  10-03-2008, 12:24 PM 44542 in reply to 44500

    Re: Set default root for images

    This does not solve the issue entirely.  While I do have the editor.urlType property set to "Absolute", there doesn't appear to be any way to set the default root of subsequent absolute path.  

    For example, I'm uploading the images to the image gallery via a website with the URL  However, when a user clicks on the image gallery to select an image to place into their HTML, I need the absolute path to be  

    Is this possible?  Can I hard-code in the absolute path root? 
  •  10-03-2008, 2:39 PM 44545 in reply to 44542

    Re: Set default root for images

    Nevermind.  I believe I've found what I'm looking for.  I set the editor.urlType = "Absolute" and the editor.baseURL property to my external web URL.  

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