Bug list for new version

Last post 11-09-2007, 1:17 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  11-09-2007, 1:10 PM 34938

    Bug list for new version

    I've downloaded the latest version, and here is a list of bugs I have found so far:

    1) In the client chat window, if you hover above the disk, the tooltip is "Email the chat log" instead of "Save the chat log"

    2) When you push an URL to the client, you can't enter the URL first, it tries to push an unknown page, resulting in page cannot be found....

    3) When first starting the operator software, the login dialog box has a grammer error: "Connect as appear offline" should be "Connect and appear offline"

    4) When first starting the operator software, and logging in, the system tray pop up message has a grammer error: "by double-click this icon" should be "by double-clicking this icon"

    5) In the client chat window, when inserting an emoticon, it shows the "code-behind" text for the emoticon in the text box - I believe the last version actually showed the emoticon.

    6) If you "hide" the operator window, the system tray message has a grammar error: "the application is still running at background" should be "the application is still running in the background"

  •  11-09-2007, 1:17 PM 34939 in reply to 34938

    Re: Bug list for new version

    Thanks for the help. We will fix the issues as soon as possible.

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