MS AJAX + 2 CuteEditor stack overflow and Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error

Last post 11-29-2007, 11:46 PM by milosc. 4 replies.
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  •  11-27-2007, 3:50 AM 35404

    MS AJAX + 2 CuteEditor stack overflow and Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error

    Dear support team member,
    we are currently having troubles with CE on AJAX pages. We have two CE on an UpdatePanel and updateprogress no other extenders (AJAX i mean) are present on any control on that form. It suddenly stoped working ok. When i cause a page postback (not an Ajax postback) it reports an JS alert with Stack overflow at line:0. I have also noticed an JS error report in IE saying :"Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error". This error doesn't occur on firefox. I have read houndreds of pages according error "Stack overflow at line:0". Can you give me any detail infos. From my side it looks like when Ce renders when it is loading the buttons it occurs that Js error : "Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error". It looks like MS Ajax is trying to do with CE but that is not supported. I have also turned off MaintainScrollPosition feture, because I've read it may cause problems.
    Please do not ask me for the demo because is realy hard to obtain it. Error is present on our internal development server. In production with previous versiobn of Ce an without AJAX is all ok. We have latest CE.
    This error occured so far and i managed to remoce netspell.dll from bin and it solved... can it be conected ? We do not use Netspell anyway ;).
    Help will be apreciated.
    Best regards,
  •  11-27-2007, 2:47 PM 35441 in reply to 35404

    Re: MS AJAX + 2 CuteEditor stack overflow and Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error

    >>This error occured so far and i managed to remoce netspell.dll from bin and it solved...
    This has nothing to do with NetSpell.
    We published a new build yesterday.  Can you download the control again and try it?
    Keep me posted
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  •  11-28-2007, 12:27 AM 35455 in reply to 35441

    Re: MS AJAX + 2 CuteEditor stack overflow and Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error

    Before applying new build we managed yesterday to resolve error:"Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error". It was connected witk updateprogress it seems like it was added twice iv two cuteeditor are present (during CE render). UpdateProgress was not added dinamicly but inline :( Strange ahaa.
    After new build applied (2007-09-04 version 6.0) this really latest ?. Problem with stack overflow still remains. It occurs when i trigger a linkbutton outside the updatepanel wich embeed CE components.
    Any other idea ?
  •  11-29-2007, 7:05 PM 35543 in reply to 35455

    Re: MS AJAX + 2 CuteEditor stack overflow and Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error

    Can you create a simple example showing the problem and send it to me? [email protected] Chat
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  •  11-29-2007, 11:46 PM 35547 in reply to 35543

    Re: MS AJAX + 2 CuteEditor stack overflow and Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: A control is already associated with this element error

    We managed to resolve the problem with latest build of CE. And all new clientside stuff.  It is kind of obscure situation because somehow it begins to work by itself.
    Thanks for your support anyway.
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