Style sheet for EditorWysiwygModeCss OR for EditorBodyStyle

Last post 04-28-2008, 4:05 PM by murli1467. 1 replies.
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  •  04-23-2008, 4:48 PM 39705

    Style sheet for EditorWysiwygModeCss OR for EditorBodyStyle

    The web app that includes Cute Editor (for PHP) lets a user specify templates for use with the edit area (textarea . iframe).
    So the app does not know the styles, but retrieves a style sheet from database (where it is saved along with few other goodies).
    The app reads this style sheet and writes out a file style.css which is then passed to:
    I got the style.css to apply. It works now.
    The next problem I have is that when the Editor and the style.css are loaded in the browser and then I change the style.css and refresh the browser, the new style.css does not take effect unless I clear the browser cache. (IE browser).
    So how do I make the new style.css take effect?
  •  04-28-2008, 4:05 PM 39847 in reply to 39705

    Re: Style sheet for EditorWysiwygModeCss OR for EditorBodyStyle

    Found out what I was NOT doing.
    I did not specify the full uri
    So please remove this.
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