Error _SL_LoadXMLDocument_HandleResponse

Last post 05-20-2008, 4:23 PM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  05-11-2008, 2:47 AM 40274

    Error _SL_LoadXMLDocument_HandleResponse

    I'm a problem with the web messenger, whenver i try to put the embeded web messenger in my web site i get a very strange javascript error, and i can't understand anything, even when i tried to use the popup web messenger i get another error ( or may be the same one) which is:
    _SL_LoadXMLDocument_HandleResponse , _SL_LoadXMLDocument , LoadChatClasses anonymous function

    I'm sure that my installation was successful because i've used the embed chat room in the same web site and it's working very good, but when it comes to the messenger i get this problem, can you help me please...
    My live URL is:
    I'm preparing to buy this product now, but still my customer must see something online first, so please help me as soon as possible.
    Thank you very much in advance.

  •  05-12-2008, 3:36 AM 40304 in reply to 40274

    Re: Error _SL_LoadXMLDocument_HandleResponse

    Which version of Cute Chat are you using?
    Are you using the standalone version or integrated version?
    Can you upload a standalone version to your server so we can check it?
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  •  05-15-2008, 1:36 AM 40403 in reply to 40304

    Re: Error _SL_LoadXMLDocument_HandleResponse

    Hi Adam,
    Thank you for your reply,
    about the version i'm using, i've downloaded the latest version from the cutesoft web site about 2 weeks ago I think it's 4.1.
    I'm using the integrated version of the Cute Chat, I've used the examples you provided to make users identification based on my system, and it worked very fine in the embeded chat room ... but when it comes to the embeded messenger nothing works at all.
    I can't upload the standalone version on my server first because it has already a commercial web site working and i can't upload any big thing like the whole standalone version, and  it works just fine on my local PC but whenever i try to make my web site like it ... i have this error and this happens both on my local and on the server...
    I need any clue for this problem, if you have anything in your mind should i check please tell me about it, I've reviewed my global.ascx file, i've reviewed my web.config file and both of them is perfect.
    I hope i can here from you very soon.
    Thank you very much.
  •  05-20-2008, 4:23 PM 40588 in reply to 40403

    Re: Error _SL_LoadXMLDocument_HandleResponse

    From the error message of URL (you sent it vis email), I think you've uploaded the cuppupted client files into your server.
    Please download the control again and don't modify any client files. Just upload it to your server and see what happens. Chat
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