Hi all,
Please accept my apologies if this question has an obvious answer.
I cannot seem to get the samples to work in the same way they do on the CuteSoft site.
I have simply extracted the files to a directory on my hard drive and configured an IIS virtual directory pointing to the Framework 2.0-Csharp-MicrosoftAjax folder. I have also tried the Framework 2.0-Csharp with the same results.
When I browse through the samples in IE 8, uploading various test files, the proress bar does not progress as it does when running on the CuteSoft site. It just sits at 0% with text similar to:
Uploading Under500KB.doc. - KB of - KB at - KB/s; - remaining
Have I missed a step out? I checked the help but could not find anything specific to this issue.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Kind regards
J Milne