Firefox strips <link href tags

Last post 10-10-2008, 10:54 AM by AndyFel. 2 replies.
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  •  10-08-2008, 7:45 AM 44691

    Firefox strips <link href tags

    We allow some editors to define templates using the editor, so they edit the whole page including the <head> section. However we are finding that for editors using firefox it strips out
    <link href="wiggle.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
    tags. It works fine in IE and I have set the
    EnableStripLinkTagsCodeInjection and EnableStripStyleTagsCodeInjection
    to false.
    I tried it on your page but they get stripped in both IE and firefox.
    Any chance you can look into please.
  •  10-09-2008, 7:02 AM 44726 in reply to 44691

    Re: Firefox strips <link href tags

    Hi AndyFel,
    I tested it in firefox3.0 and firefox1.5, and I can not reproduce this issue.
    Please show me the steps to reproduce this issue and also please let me know which version of Cute Editor you are using.
  •  10-10-2008, 10:54 AM 44785 in reply to 44726

    Re: Firefox strips <link href tags

    OOOoooppps very sorry it was my fault!
    On looking through our code it turns out that due to a previous version of the editor constantly inserting <link tags we have code that strips out the link tags!
    Our code looks for <link tags then looks to see if the tag has [acms is inside it. Now because firefox is converting [ to %5B our code is not finding the tag and therefore assuming the editor has added a link tag. 
    So a different question now, why is firefox converting [ to %5B and IE is not?
            <link href="%5Bacms:template%20field=stylesheet%5D" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
    I would rather it didnt, is there anything to stop it?
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