Hi Daniel83,
Setting up the Template Gallery Path
To enable the Template Management function of the CuteEditor control, you must set up a managed Template Gallery folder.
This is simply a folder in which you will be placing template files for your users to use in their content. Create a folder in your application’s root folder. (For most applications, this is your web server’s root folder, or the folder where your Visual Studio .NET project file is located.) The folder can be named something like /templates/, /template or /UserTemplate.
Make sure that the MACHINE/ASPNET user has Read+Write permissions on this folder and its contents.
How to Specify the Template Gallery Path
You can easily specify the template gallery path using the following methods:
1: Edit security policy file:
The security policy file (default.config, admin.config and guest.config) can be found in the /CuteEditor/Configuration/Security folder. In security policy file you can find the TemplateGalleryPath element which contains the template gallery path information within Cute Editor. By default, it contains the following value:
<security name="TemplateGalleryPath">~/templates</security>
You can modify the TemplateGalleryPath element to meet your own requirements.
For example:
Use absolute path:
<security name="TemplateGalleryPath">/templates</security>
Use physical path:
security name="TemplateGalleryPath">c:\inetpub\wwwroot\templates</security>