I have successfully used CuteEditor before in static pages.
Now what I'm trying to do is load a CuteEditor, dynamically via AJAX.
The user is going to click a button that says "View Customer Notes".
The javascript is going to send an AJAX request like this:
new Ajax.Request("modules/reserve/client_notes.php", {
parameters: "cust=" + cust_num + "&recnum=" + cust_recnum,
onSuccess: Reserve.gotReport.bind(this),
onFailure: Reserve.gotFailure.bind(this)
client_notes.php has the following in it:
$cEditor = new CuteEditor();
$cEditor->ID = 'rcvIntNotes';
$cEditor->AutoConfigure = CoachFlex;
$cEditor->FilesPath = "../../core/CuteEditor_Files";
$cEditor->ShowCodeViewToolBar = false;
$cEditor->ThemeType = "Office2003_BlueTheme";
$cEditor->Width = "500px";
$cEditor->Height = "150px";
$cEditor->EditorOnPaste = "PastePureText";
$cEditor->EditorBodyStyle = "font: normal 0.75em Arial;";
$cEditor->ShowPreviewMode = false;
$cEditor->ShowTagSelecter = false;
$cEditor->MaxHTMLLength = 65535;
$editor .= $cEditor->GetString();
$cEditor = null;
$result = array();
$result['header'] = '';
$result['table'] = $editor;
$result = json_encode($result);
header("Content-Type: application/json");
print $result;
then the processing Javascript is:
var json = transport.responseJSON;
What i expect to happen is the "scrollbar_content" div to be filled with a CuteEditor.
What happens is I get a white box that says:"
Not Found
The requested URL /CuteEditor_Files/template.php was not found on this server.
For some reason it doesn't seem to be placing the "FilesPath" in the look for template.php?
Can someone help me figure this out?