Distribuited Licence!

Last post 12-10-2008, 1:28 PM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  12-03-2008, 7:32 AM 46508

    Distribuited Licence!

    I'd like to buy the Cute Editor product, but i have some questions.
    I should redistribuite the control as part of my software, that I'll sell to some clients.
    Which kind of licence do I need to do it?
    Redistribution licence?
    Developers Licence?
    If is possible, can you give me, a details for each kind of Licence?
  •  12-03-2008, 12:55 PM 46515 in reply to 46508

    Re: Distribuited Licence!

    This Developer license entitles one developer to install and use the product on unlimited number of websites.It applies to software components, control or class libraries that are integrated by developers into their applications. All developer products have royalty free runtimes. This means that you may freely distribute the product with your own application.
    This Redistribution License allows CuteEditor Control to be distributed within a single commercial application. It also entitles unlimited number of developers within the company to install and use the product for that single commercial application development (for 1 application only).
    The difference between Developer and Redistribution license is
    1. Developer license is designed for single developer business. This license allows this single developer to use CuteEditor freely into his/her applications. We will keep the developer's info on file as the point of contact for technical support. More than 1 developer? 2-4 = Developer Team license and unlimited = Enterprise License
    2. Redistribution license is for a business has a prodcut, say online email or forum to sell. This product needs CuteEditor to be part of it. Embeded in the package and sell to the end users. Say if the redistribution license is to cover your online email system, then you can't use it for your forum as it will require another Redistribution license. Enterprise license = unlimited Redistribution

    Thanks for asking
    [email protected]
  •  12-09-2008, 10:30 PM 46713 in reply to 46515

    Re: Distribuited Licence!

    First off i would like to say that you've done an excellent job on the tool.  This definately generates much nicer code than the FCKEditor (but it's free, i'll give them that).  I'm also glad to see you're using your own product.
    So to Clarify.  If i am a developer and would like to sell an application, or multiple applications to a any sized audiance, as long as i'm developing it myself i can purchase the developers licence and install it on any url?
    say i was to create and sell an Email application to 5 organizations, and start working on a time tracking application which also uses the tool, and i sell that to say another 5 businesses, but i was the sole developer.  What is the license i would need?
  •  12-10-2008, 1:28 PM 46780 in reply to 46713

    Re: Distribuited Licence!

    >>So to Clarify.  If i am a developer and would like to sell an application, or multiple applications to a any sized audiance, as long as i'm developing it myself i can purchase the developers licence and install it on any url?
    Your understanding is correct.
    >>but i was the sole developer.  What is the license i would need?
    Developer license.

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