I am already doing that:
ceContentEditor.SetSecurityImageGalleryPath(filesPath & "/images")
ceContentEditor.SetSecurityTemplateGalleryPath(filesPath & "/myTemplates")
Where we have an images and myTemplates folder in the files folder.
I am not at all certain what each of these (FilesGallery vs Gallery vs. MediaGallery) are for as compared to ImageGallery.
This setting certainly allows me to upload and select images from the images folder, but the image does not appear if I use the image editor. Am I using these settings wrong?
There is another thing I have discovered. I have identical copies of the website - one on my development computer, and an exact copy on the web server. Both show the images directory, with files, correctly. When I click on an image to select it, and then click on Image Editor, I get different results on development server (it shows the image) vs. the web server (it shows the missing image symbol). How can that be?
I have verified by re-uploading the entire cute editor folder and bin folder as well as the page the editor is on and its programming page to make SURE they are identical. This makes no sense.
Any ideas?