Is there anyway to change the file path reference in the CuteEditor programmatically (eg. the src attribute in <img>)?
My scenario is that some user will use the CuteEditor to create webpages. Each page has its own folder to store images. There's also a feature for user to duplicate the page. If a page is duplicated, a new folder is created for that page and all images are also copied to the new folder.
For example, say a user created a page named PageA with CuteEditor and uploaded an image which is saved in FolderA. The user duplicates PageA and names the new page PageB. Then a folder called FolderB is created. However, the image src on PageB still references the image in FolderA. The only way I can think of now is to do a String.Replace(). But I am just wondering if there is method built into the Cute Editor that can achieve this?