PasteWord filter needs work

Last post 04-12-2005, 10:07 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  04-12-2005, 9:32 PM 5655

    PasteWord filter needs work

    I pasted a table from MS Word with and without the processing that your system offers.  The table worked in either case and I think it looks better with all the Word tags left in place.  The point is that, apparently, your filter removes some tags that your engine can correctly render.  I would think that, ideally, the only noticeable difference would either be that a paste had to be filtered in order to work correctly (which I've also seen) or that the filtered HTML is simply smaller with no change in the appearance of the rendered page.
    Are you planning to improve this processing in the future?
  •  04-12-2005, 10:07 PM 5659 in reply to 5655

    Re: PasteWord filter needs work


    When you copy from the word, the html content in clipboard is quite messy and a bit bigger.

    When you paste this content to the editor,
    If you choose clean the code function, Cute Editor will clean the content for you. The content will be cleaned as the standard HTML code. But you may lose some formatting. 

    If you don’t want to lose your word formatting, please choose not clean your code. 

    Hope it helps. Chat
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