Change language

Last post 06-21-2010, 4:13 PM by roelywoely. 4 replies.
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  •  06-21-2010, 11:36 AM 61899

    Change language

    I would like to change the language of my CuteEditor to Dutch. I don't exactly understand how to do this, since I cannot find it in the documentation. In the Languages folder there are all kind of XML files. I also see the files default.xml, _default.xml and en-en.xml. For now I have changed the en-en.xml file and translated them to Dutch, but there are still English names, for example when I click the Find/replace button in the editor, I still see 'Find what' instead of 'Vind' (Dutch). Where can I edit these titles or is there a way to change the language to Dutch easier than translating all of them. In the nl-nl.xml there are still English titles. I don't care to translate all of them, I just want to know where to do it.
    I have another small question: when the editor loads the text area is not visible. I have to drag te resize handle to make it visible sometimes. I use Firefox and I don't know if this happens in other browsers.
    Thanks in advance :)
  •  06-21-2010, 11:59 AM 61901 in reply to 61899

    Re: Change language

    You can find one localization example in download package, file name is "phphtmledit\localization.php", you can find the following code in this file:
    <input type="radio" name="RadioList" <?php echo Checked("nl-nl", $CustomCulture) ;?> value="nl-nl" onclick="jumpTo(this)"/>
    the dutch language resource file is "cuteeditor_files\Languages\nl-nl.xml", the english resource file is   "cuteeditor_files\Languages\en_en.xml", you can copy those string which are not translated to dutch from "en_en.xml" to "nl_nl.xml", and then translate to dutch. After you finish this step, test it again.
  •  06-21-2010, 12:45 PM 61902 in reply to 61901

    Re: Change language

    Thanks for your reply. I only have the cuteeditor_files directory on my server. Is it really necesarry to put the other files on my server as well? I prefer to have the whole cuteeditor in 1 folder because else it will be a chaos. Is this also the reason why the editor doesn't load correct?
  •  06-21-2010, 1:26 PM 61903 in reply to 61902

    Re: Change language

    You need follow all installation steps, if you only upload folder "cuteeditor_files", it will not work. Installation steps are as follows,
    1. Install CuteEditor assembly and license file

    Copy the following files to your application bin folder.

    • CuteEditor.dll
    • CuteEditor.ImageEditor.dll
    • NetSpell.SpellChecker.dll
    • CuteEditor.lic
    2. Copy CuteEditor Client files

    The "CuteSoft_Client" folder and all file it contains should be deployed to http://{your site}/{your application}/ on your web site.

    If you want to deploy CuteEditor Client file to a different location, please check the developer's guide.

    3. Add Uploader httpModule to web.config's httpModules list

    To allow CuteEditor to upload big files, you need to add Uploader HttpModule to your application.

    IIS 5.0, 6.0 and IIS 7.0 Classic mode

          <add name="CuteEditor.UploadModule" type="CuteEditor.UploadModule,CuteEditor"/>

    IIS 7.0 Integrated mode

          <add name="CuteEditor.UploadModule" type="CuteEditor.UploadModule,CuteEditor"/>
    4. Add CuteEditor to an ASP.NET page
    • Register CuteEditor on your page

      At the top of your ASP.NET page, add the following code

      <%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="CuteEditor" Assembly="CuteEditor" %>

    • Add the following code between <form runat="server"> tags:

      <CE:Editor id="Editor1" runat="server" />
  •  06-21-2010, 4:13 PM 61907 in reply to 61903

    Re: Change language

    Where can I find these files? I haven't bought CuteEditor yet. I am checking if it will work for my application and it does so far. It's strange you say it doesn't work, it works fine.
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