Very slow on production server (iis7)

Last post 02-21-2011, 2:50 PM by Tenshin. 2 replies.
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  •  02-17-2011, 6:51 AM 66276

    Very slow on production server (iis7)

    Hi, i'm using cuteeditor 6.6, loading a form using XMLHttpRequest (ajax), there is no problem on development environment, but when we go to production server (using iis7) it becomes unusable as it takes minutes loading cuteedit ...
    little lost, help!
    Thank you !!!
  •  02-17-2011, 9:32 AM 66283 in reply to 66276

    Re: Very slow on production server (iis7)

    Dear Tenshin
    Can you provide the CuteEditor access url on your website to us? You can post it here or send to [email protected], we will have a test on my end.
    Thank you for asking
  •  02-21-2011, 2:50 PM 66336 in reply to 66283

    Re: Very slow on production server (iis7)

    Hi, we use it on private web, so i can't give you with URL.
    We have detected that problem is related with ASTARO GATEWAY, but we still don't know where is the problem exactly,
    do you have some known issues about that or similar?
    Thank you,
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