What's the best way to mix files and web addresses in the queue??

Last post 02-25-2011, 1:14 PM by RussellMulcahy. 2 replies.
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  •  02-25-2011, 8:49 AM 66447

    What's the best way to mix files and web addresses in the queue??

    I have a requirement for users to attach any number of "attachments" on a form. The catch is that the attachments can be a URL  as well as a file. I want a single list with a mixture of these. The user would manage a single list, including deletion of items.
    Obviously, I could develop all of this and just use Ajax uploader to upload one file at a time but, to make the purchase worth it, I would like to use the built in functionality as much as possible.
    I'm wondering if I should either develop a custom attachment provider or use the custom data somehow but I can't find much documentation on these?
    Can you point me in the right direction here?
  •  02-25-2011, 10:06 AM 66452 in reply to 66447

    Re: What's the best way to mix files and web addresses in the queue??

    Dear RussellMulcahy,
    Please refer to http://ajaxuploader.com/Demo/Ajax-based-File-storage.aspx , you can find the source code of this example in download package.
    Hope it helps.
    Keep me posted.
    Thank you for asking
  •  02-25-2011, 1:14 PM 66455 in reply to 66452

    Re: What's the best way to mix files and web addresses in the queue??

    I took a quick look. Am I right to think that, in that example, you basically handle the queue using fresh code and a grid view? So the uploader just uploads a file at a time and the queue management is custom code?
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