Unable to write to folder:~/UploaderTemp... but using custom AxaxUploader.Provider (UploaderSqlServerProvider)

Last post 02-27-2011, 12:41 PM by rmacfadyen. 3 replies.
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  •  01-25-2011, 11:45 AM 65871

    Unable to write to folder:~/UploaderTemp... but using custom AxaxUploader.Provider (UploaderSqlServerProvider)

    I'm using a custom provider to handle the upload and store it an SQL server database (based on the sample on from your site).
    When I access a page that includes the AjaxUploader and if the ~/UploaderTemp directory does not exist... I get the error "Unable to write to folder".
    I never want AjaxUploader to write to the filesystem ever. I don't want any writable folders in the website, ever.
    Is there anyway to avoid having to create a writable folder ~/UploaderTemp?
  •  01-31-2011, 1:57 PM 65970 in reply to 65871

    Re: Unable to write to folder:~/UploaderTemp... but using custom AxaxUploader.Provider (UploaderSqlServerProvider)

    Dear rmacfadyen,
    Unlike standard ASP.NET HtmlInputFile control, AJAX Uploader does not read the entire uploaded file into memory. It streams the data into a temporary file while the data is received. For this reason, you must specify a temporary file location. You should ensure that the ASPNET user (NetworkService in Windows Server 2003) has read/write permission to this specified folder.
    There are two ways to change the default temporary directory.
    Solution 1:
    Add the following tag into the <appSettings> element of your application web.config file:
    <add key="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.TempDirectory" value="~/MyTempDirectory"/>
    Solution 2:
    <CuteWebUI:Uploader id="Uploader1" TempDirectory="~/MyTempDirectory" runat="server"></CuteWebUI:Uploader>
    Thank you for asking

  •  02-10-2011, 5:42 PM 66161 in reply to 65970

    Re: Unable to write to folder:~/UploaderTemp... but using custom AxaxUploader.Provider (UploaderSqlServerProvider)

    I was under the impression from this post: http://cutesoft.net/forums/thread/53844.aspx that an UploaderProvider would remove the need to store/write anything to the file system. In fact the UploaderProvider property SupportFS and method appear to indicate such (ie. if SupportFS is false and GetFSPath throws a NotSupportedException what purpose do these serve?).
  •  02-27-2011, 12:41 PM 66469 in reply to 66161

    Re: Unable to write to folder:~/UploaderTemp... but using custom AxaxUploader.Provider (UploaderSqlServerProvider)

    Any chance of a response?
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