Max Folder Size Limitations

Last post 03-31-2011, 12:12 AM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  03-30-2011, 1:24 PM 66930

    Max Folder Size Limitations

    I have been looking at the threads about max folder size and don't see exactly what i need.  Can I simply delete the line of code that has the max file folder size spelled out?  The client will need to upload many files over time and doesn't want to have the limits come up again.

    <security name="MaxDocumentFolderSize">102400</security>

     (this is in the >configuration > security > default.config file)
    Just wanted to make sure i didn't delete something that might cause something else to break.  Ideally we would like no limits in size. 
    thanks in advance to anyone who knows the answer to this.
  •  03-31-2011, 12:12 AM 66931 in reply to 66930

    Re: Max Folder Size Limitations

    Hi pathwalker,
    Try set to 0
    <security name="MaxDocumentFolderSize">0</security>
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