Hello Adam,
It has to do with the sylesheetpath property. I want to use my own css for the editor so i link my stylesheet to the editor (it is already on the page howvever!) That way i get the error because the following javascript code is not generated:
<script language="javascript">
function rOver(el) {el.style.background = 'highlight'; el.style.color='white';}
function rOut(el) {el.style.background = '#FFFFFF'; el.style.color='black';}
function rOver1(el) {el.style.border = '1px solid highlight';}
function rOut1(el) {el.style.border = '1px solid #D4D0C8';}
function rOut2(el) {el.style.border = '1px solid #808080';}
When i leave the stylesheetpath property blank, the default styles for the editor are also added to the page, but they are also included in my stylesheet, so i cannot determine wchich one is a;lways used.
Do i have to configure this another way?
Then, i also have a small problem with the OBJECT tag that is automatically added (dlgHelper). it is configured with a height of 0px, but i still get a small line on top of my page. Since that section has no white background it is visible between 2 frames.
I hope you can help me solving thse two issues