I assume this is another annoying licensing question...

Last post 06-01-2005, 9:50 AM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  06-01-2005, 8:19 AM 7155

    I assume this is another annoying licensing question...

    We have 2-4 developers working on CMS enabled websites (unlimited domains).  Which License?

    Don't quite understand what the Redistribution License is?



  •  06-01-2005, 9:50 AM 7157 in reply to 7155

    Re: I assume this is another annoying licensing question...

    A Redistribution License allows CuteEditor Control to be distributed within a single commercial application. A Redistribution license entitles unlimited developer to install and use the product.
    For example, if your guys integrate Cute Editor with a forum product, with the Cute Editor Redistribution License you can sell many copies of your forum.
    But if your guys want to integrate Cute Editor with more than one commercial product, you need to go with the developer team license (2-4 developers).
    A developer team license entitles 4 developers to install and use the product.
    Developer licenses apply to software components, control or class libraries that are integrated by developers into their applications. All developer products have royalty free runtimes. This means that you may freely distribute the product with your application.

    Hope it helps.


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