A Trouble with using jQuery Event Triggering

Last post 02-01-2013, 2:50 PM by jwseok. 3 replies.
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  •  02-01-2013, 1:12 PM 76779

    A Trouble with using jQuery Event Triggering

    Hi, guys.


    I'm using ajax uploader component in company.


    I have a trouble to develop like below. 

          <span class="Lbtn"><input type="button"  value="Add"  class='fncAdd' /></span>
          <span class="Lbtn"><input type="button"  value="Add2"  class='fncAdd' /></span>
          <span class="Lbtn"><input type="button"  value="Add3"  class='fncAdd' /></span>

            <!-- ajax file upload view area -->
            <input type="button" id='uploadbutton'  />
            <%=ViewData["uploaderhtml"] %>


          $(function() { 

                 $(".fndAdd").click(function() {






    I try to use multiple files upload function. 


    If I click uploadbutton directly, it works fine.


    But if I click one of .fncAdd button, it shows "File browsing dialog has been blocked" dialog box.

    (you know what this box is..) 


    Function works well. But I don't wanna see this box. 


    Plase let me know a way to solve this problem.


    I'm using 

          ASP.NET MVC3

          .NET Framework 4.0


          HTML5 doctype 




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  •  02-01-2013, 1:16 PM 76780 in reply to 76779

    Re: A Trouble with using jQuery Event Triggering

    Hi jwseok,


    This is an old issue and we have fixed it in the latest build, can you download the latest version and try again?


    Latest build download url: http://ajaxuploader.com/download/Ajax-Uploader.zip 


    If you still get problem with the latest version, please create an example page which can reproduce this issue and send it to [email protected], I will check it and get back to you as soon as possible.





  •  02-01-2013, 2:50 PM 76785 in reply to 76780

    Re: A Trouble with using jQuery Event Triggering

    Thanks Kenneth.


    I sent email to you.


    Please check it. 

  •  02-01-2013, 2:50 PM 76786 in reply to 76785

    Re: A Trouble with using jQuery Event Triggering


    Thanks Kenneth.


    I sent email to you.


    Please check it. 

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