Hide/Remove Save Button

Last post 06-09-2004, 10:54 AM by Adam. 2 replies.
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  •  06-09-2004, 9:50 AM 960

    Hide/Remove Save Button

    How do I hide or remove the save (disc icon) button from a customized CuteEditor instance? I was able to get it down to just the basic set of bold, underline, italic and alignment, but I want to remove the save button as well and can't figure out how.  

  •  06-09-2004, 10:01 AM 962 in reply to 960

    Re: Hide/Remove Save Button

    I am not sure what you mean...when you define a custom layout, just exlcude that menu button. An example of a menu layout we use without the option...

    CuteEdit.Template = "Separator,RemoveFormat,Separator,SelectAll,SelectNone,Separator,StyleDropDown,
  •  06-09-2004, 10:54 AM 963 in reply to 962

    Re: Hide/Remove Save Button

    You can use the predefined sets of buttons and just remove some buttons.
    For example, the following setting enables all the buttons and menus, and disables the Save, Bold, Italic buttons.
    <CE:Editor id="Editor1" 
                DisableItemList="Save, Bold, Italic"

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