A valid license cannot be granted for the type CuteEditor.Editor

Last post 08-21-2005, 9:54 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  08-21-2005, 9:21 PM 9804

    A valid license cannot be granted for the type CuteEditor.Editor

    I downloaded the newest version of Cute Editor - I did buy the product a while back V 1.5 or 2.0. I thought this was a free upgrade. After using a few weeks I am gettiing the above error. THis is in Vis Studio. I have never deployed this on the web.

    Do I need to get a permanet license? How?

    Dave Parker 
  •  08-21-2005, 9:54 PM 9805 in reply to 9804

    Re: A valid license cannot be granted for the type CuteEditor.Editor

    It's a free upgrade.

    This message usually results from one of the following scenarios:

    1. The 30-day free evaluation period has expired.


    • Purchase CuteEditor and we will send your own license file to unlock your copy of CuteEditor.
    • Download the evaluation version from the CuteSoft site again and continue your evaluation. 

    2. You have your own license file. But you are using evaluation license file for some reasons.


    • Please find the license file we sent to you and upload it to your server. If you can't find the license file, email us and specify the email address used for purchasing in your email.  

    3. You have placed the order but haven't received the license file for some reason.

    • Email us and specify the email address used for purchasing in your email.  

    4. The actual domain name (or the IP address) has changed.

    • Email us and specify the email address used for purchasing in your email.

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