Using InsertImage dialog without displaying the editor

Last post 08-22-2005, 5:09 AM by dotcom. 0 replies.
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  •  08-22-2005, 5:09 AM 9831

    Using InsertImage dialog without displaying the editor


    I'm trying to figure out how to use the CuteEditor Insert Image dialog on a page that doesn't use the editor. I've seen a few posts that touched on this issue, but no definitive answer. Can anyone help please?
    I'm using javascript like:
    var url=showModalDialog("../CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertImage.aspx?settinghash=&<%=Editor1.Setting.GetHashString()%>", "Image Manager","dialogWidth:670px;dialogHeight:650px");
    In my Page_Load I instantiate a protected Editor variable to allow the embedded ASP code to be resolved. But then I get a ASP.NET "Setting not found" error when the dialog opens.
    If anyone has the answer to the above, I'd be very grateful.

    Paul Taylor
    Dotcom Software Solutions
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