Dreamweaver Extension for Cute Editor ASP

Last post 10-16-2005, 12:34 PM by topdog1. 1 replies.
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  •  10-08-2005, 1:17 AM 11546

    Dreamweaver Extension for Cute Editor ASP

    Has anyone tried to build a Dreamweaver Extension to manage Cute Editor for ASP?  Seems pretty straight forward and could make someone lots of money as this HTML editor is the best on the market!
  •  10-16-2005, 12:34 PM 11752 in reply to 11546

    Re: Dreamweaver Extension for Cute Editor ASP

    How many "Dreamweaver Extension" have your written?
    What would you want in it?
    Once you have written it you would have to assume that Cute have a consistent model such that there are no surprises with revisions unless you have the extension just for one version.
    Cant see why you would need a Dreamweaver Extension myself, its easier to wrap it up into a function and jkust call that - far easier to manager - unless you are not a programmer and rely on the mindless way that Dreamweaver inserts Inline Code.
    You could be right about easy money tho.
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