Totally lost

Last post 11-08-2005, 3:00 PM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  09-19-2005, 10:32 PM 10763

    Totally lost

    I'm rather a novice at .asp. I'm currently using CodeCharge to generate .asp pages. I purchased CuteSoft so my son could add rich text to his site I haven't yet changed it over to .asp until I get it working correctly on http://localhost.
    I haven't the foggiest idea how to add this to existing asp pages as an include. The scant documentation says be sure & add "Class" to the "include" top part of the page... but I don't see a file called "class" & am, as I said, totally lost.
    Anybody got time to walk me through setting this up to view locally (c:/inetpub/wwwroot/cutesoft)? Thanks for any/all help.
  •  10-11-2005, 5:51 PM 11651 in reply to 10763

    Re: Totally lostSe

  •  11-08-2005, 7:44 AM 12383 in reply to 11651

    Re: Totally lostSe

    I agree - I also cannot make head nor tail of the how this works in ordinary ASP. Why has this post not been replied to?
    There are hardly any understandable instructions for simple application. what I want to do is so simple but I cannot see how to do it.

    I emailed you and the reply pointed into the labarynth of .NET help files ... great. I don't do .NET

    I want to be able to put the editor on a page and either create a new page or edit an existing one (or rather have the feature there fo my client to do this) amd save it either to a document folder or to a database, I don't mind which.

    I also need to trim down the toolbars completely (without having to spend hours doing it).

    Please, this is basic and I cannot see how to do it. References to VB and C# are no use it needs to be 'join the dots' for VBScript developers or please don't advertise the product as being easy to use because it is not.

    Another dissatisfied customer.
  •  11-08-2005, 3:00 PM 12396 in reply to 12383

    Re: Totally lostSe


    We didn't mention any .NET help file. Please read the following email again.

    Hi Rob,
    There is a developer'd guide in the download package.
    There is also an online deployment instruction:
    >>Replace the text area in a form and have an option to load a page of HTML from an access database in to the editor so that it can be modified and then saved away again into the database.
    There is a database example in the download package. The example is using an access database.
    >>Create a new document in the editor using a template and save the contents of the html ino a field in an ACCESS database (I need to choose where it goes).
    Please check the above answer.
    >>When configuring the toolbar - it does not tell me which page(s) I should be editing ...
    The editor is a textarea replacement. Like working with the textarea, you need to set the conent the textarea, and get the conent out the editor using the editor.Text property.
    Hope it helps.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.


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