Problem when using Cute Editor in DNN Settings.ascx

Last post 11-14-2005, 8:17 AM by joris. 2 replies.
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  •  09-20-2005, 9:27 AM 10771

    Problem when using Cute Editor in DNN Settings.ascx

    I'm creating a custom module, and in Settings.ascx, I have the following line:
    <dnn:texteditor id="teBox" runat="server" width="100%" ControlID="teBox"></dnn:texteditor>

    Setting the HTML provider in Web.config to the Free Text Box works fine, but when it's set to the Cute editor, and I go to the module settings page, I get this:

    The toolbars are all out of wack, and nothing is selectable.
  •  09-20-2005, 12:08 PM 10787 in reply to 10771

    Re: Problem when using Cute Editor in DNN Settings.ascx

    Can you paste the source code of Settings.ascx?
    I have no idea now.
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
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  •  11-14-2005, 8:17 AM 12621 in reply to 10787

    • joris is not online. Last active: 01-24-2006, 10:56 AM joris
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    Re: Problem when using Cute Editor in DNN Settings.ascx

    I`m having this exact same problem. (I`m new to DNN and new to

    As you can see I`m using firefox mozilla.
    (the errormessage in IE6 is "Expected ';'")
    The result, view, is the same in IE.

    The Control-ID of the editor, is being used within the names of javascript functions.
     "function CE_dnn_ctr367_ModuleSettings_/_EditOptInSettings.ascx_txtMessages__ctl0_ID_load()"

    It appears (to me) to have nothing to do with the settingspage from a specific module (the one I used here is 'opt in email'),
    but the control-ID`s used by the module-settings-control.

    The ID has a slash in it`s name, and I presume, javascript doesn`t like this.
    I`ve noticed that the use of 'slashes' in control-id`s also occurs in core-modules, like the forum.

    I don`t know whether I`m headed in the right direction.
    Adam, or anyone really, perhaps you can clarify things for me.
    Joris Eikelenboom
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