What about the Table smart Tags?

Last post 02-03-2006, 3:17 PM by trux. 0 replies.
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  •  02-03-2006, 3:17 PM 15582

    What about the Table smart Tags?

    one of the most important reasons why I bought your product was these nice arrows I saw some days ago in the demo editor on your site, when editing a table.
    I wish I could show what I mean but now I cannot find it anywhere. All action leads to the table wizard window.

    Have I only dreamed of these buttons to split or insert cells and rows? I am pretty sure I found these between the cell space and could click on it rather than finding the proper icon in the toolbar, the context menu or in the table wizard.
    Was it an older version I have seen or maybe a complete other solution, or can someone proof their existance; is there a possibility to re-enable them?
    I'd really like to get rid of all these icons in the toolbar for managing tables. I found it better to visually edit rows and cells than to associate abstract icons of table-modification with it.
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